April 4th & 5th, The American Dream


Wednesday, April 4th at 7pm, Adm. $5
ICE Theaters Lawndale
3330 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60624

Thursday, April 5th at 7pm, Adm. $5
ICE Theaters Chatham 14
210 W. 87th Street, Chicago, IL 60620

“In their dark­est hour, they turn on the video cam­era for the last time and doc­u­ment the final moments of their jour­ney home. They soon real­ize that their dreams and promises of a new life mean noth­ing in a place called War.

Armed with dreams that extend beyond their block, Luis and Ronald, two best friends from Los Ange­les, make a movie doc­u­ment­ing their last 36 hours before ship­ping off to Afghanistan. Luis wants to be a film­maker and Ronald wants to travel the world and raise a family.

With no money for film acad­emy, and grades too low to win a schol­ar­ship at a Uni­ver­sity with a film depart­ment, Luis decides to enlist in the Marine Corps.
The Recruiter promises Luis that if he enlists, the Gov­ern­ment will pay for his film school tuition when he returns home. In doing research, I actu­ally went into an Army Recruit­ment Cen­ter as if I were Luis. I told the Recruiter my story (Luis’s story), and as I was walk­ing out, pro­mo­tional mate­ri­als in hand, the Recruiter stopped me and said, “Come by any­time and make this place your home, Luis Walker I look for­ward to say­ing I recruited the next Spike Lee.”

Draw­ing from the Dogma 95 Move­ment and the global street art move­ment, we are cre­at­ing a new film move­ment here in the United States where the lack of resources serve the story as opposed to hin­der­ing it, blur­ring the line between real­ity and fic­tion. How­ever, our inten­tion is not to trick the audi­ence into believ­ing that what they’re watch­ing is real, but rather what they’re watch­ing is true to life.”

All screenings are followed by lively discussions moderated by program director Floyd Webb or Cecilia Horde along with local scholars, screenwriters and directors.

Screenings are the first Wednesday at
ICE Theaters Lawndale
3330 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60624

Screenings are the first Thursday at
ICE Theaters Chatham 14
210 W. 87th Street, Chicago, IL 60620

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