August 3rd and 4th: Chicago Premiere: RAMATA


Ramata, A film by Léandre-Alain BakerRAMATA
2010, Senegal/Congo
90 Minutes
Directed by Léandre-Alain Baker
Wed, August 3, 7:00 pm
ICE Theaters Lawndale
3330 W Roosevelt Road

Thursday, August 4, 7:00 pm
ICE Theaters Chatham
210 W 87th Street
Admission: $5.00

Today’s Senegal.
Ramata is a 50 years old woman of bewitching beauty. She has been married for 30 years with Matar Samb, a former Public Prosecutor who then became Minister of Justice. They live in Les Almadies, an upper crust area of Dakar.

Ngor Ndong is 25. Strong, mysterious and homeless, he is an occasional criminal, well-known by the Police.

One evening, by a matter of chance, Ramata hides a taxi whose driver is Ngor Ndong. First hesitant, Ramata finally agrees to follow him to the Copacabana Bar located in Dakar’s seedy parts. Excited by the mystery exuding from this young man, who seems as disillusioned by life as she is, she lets him take her to the backroom of the dive. There, Ngor Ndong, intrigued by the power embodied by this woman from the “high society”, tries to take her by force. Ramata resists without conviction and finally yields to temptation…

Despite the self-righteous morality of the wealthy background in which her husband has installed her and the discretion she should observe, Ramata frees herself of all restraint. She decides to live intensively what she believes to be Love, to her husband’s great displeasure whose honour is scoffed by the rumour.

Coming from a very modest family, Ramata had done all she could to become part of this smart and luxurious world, symbol of happiness and success to her eye. 30 years later, deeply alone and having lost her illusions of comfort, she imagines seeing in that passionate story the lost sense of her life. Alas, Ramata is quickly abandoned by her young lover…

In her wild search for him, a part of her less glorious past reappears.
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Black World Cinema, a showcase of seldom seen classic features and new films from around the world. Black World Cinema presents films by filmmakers that bring us story with compelling content and a human dimension seldom presented in mainstream cinema.

All screenings are followed by lively discussions moderated by program director Floyd Webb or local scholars, screenwriters and directors.

Screenings occur the first Wednesday at
ICE Theaters Lawndale
3330 W Roosevelt Road

And first Thursday of every month at
ICE Theaters Chatham 14
210 W. 87th Street
Chicago, IL

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