March 3, 7pm, Black Hands: Trial of the Slave Arsonists
Thursday, March 3, 7pm
Admission: $5.00
“Black Hands: Trial of the Arsonist Slave”
Director: Tetchena Bellange Canada, 2010, 52 minutes
Production company: Bel Ange Moon Productions
“Black Hands: Trial of the Arsonist Slave” is a 52 minutes documentary about a hidden story of Canadian history: the one of Angelique, a Black slave accused of burning Montreal in 1734. After an epic trial, this untamable slave is tortured and sentenced to death. But was she really guilty of this crime or was she the victim of a bigger conspiracy? Why this voluntary amnesia about this unknown page of history?
A fascinating documentary that skilfully mixes interviews with historians and reenactments filmed in the same style as Dogville by Lars Von Trier.
Black World Cinema, a showcase of seldom seen classic features and new films from around the world. Black World Cinema presents films by filmmakers that bring us story with compelling content and a human dimension seldom presented in mainstream cinema.
All screenings are followed by lively discussions moderated by program director Floyd Webb or local scholars, screenwriters and directors.
Screenings occur the first Thursday of every month at
ICE Theaters Chatham 14
210 W. 87th Street
Chicago, IL